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BBQ Recipe: Ladram Chops

As we get into the swing of peak season, we thought we’d share a recipe with you that’ll make you want to reach for the BBQ tongs.

The latest instalment of our holiday cooking guide is super simple & mouthwatering, ladies and gentlemen its BBQ lamb chops.

BBQ Lamb Chops


BBQ or oven bbq-grill-icon 25 mins cooking time Clock icon for cooking
Serves 4 people
cooking for people 4 Easy to make Scale for ease of cooking

Ingredients for marinade

    • 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds
    • 1 sprig of thyme
    • 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
    • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
    • A pinch of salt & black pepper

TIP: Be organised & just add a mix of the dry herbs from your cupboard at home into a sandwich bag or small tupperware. Doing this before you go away and will save time, money & most importantly, packing space!


Preparation Instructions

Light your BBQ and give it 30 mins to get nice and hot – we want those chops crispy!

            1. If weather isn’t on your side then you can still rustle up this dish in an oven,  just crank it up to 200°C / gas mark 6.
            2. On a chopping board chop up the thyme.
            3. Put all the marinade ingredients together (minus the olive oil) and blend in a pestle and mortar. If you don’t have a pestle and mortar try using an empty salt / pepper grinder.
            4. Sprinkle all your spices on the chopping board and rub each lamb chop so it’s well seasoned.
            5. Once coated, drizzle each in a splash of olive oil – then pop on the BBQ!
            6. Turn every couple of minutes for 8-10 minutes in total until they look crisp & delicious!

TIP: If you press the chop & the meat gives, it’s medium-rare. If it doesn’t move then it’s well done.

This dish is best served with some grilled veg, salad and cous cous – super easy prep!

By now you’re probably wanting to try this recipe for yourself? We’d recommend buying your chops from Greendale Farm Shop just 15 mins away from Ladram Bay. We’ve included a map below – that way you can spend less time driving and more time cooking.

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